Drawing & painting Works with oil painting and resin on wood II Works with oil painting and resin on wood In Between Witnesses to Alternative Lives This is No Time To Hesitate Ornaments for Venus Once Upon A Time Fleeting and Timeless The Feminine and Nature The Colours of the Medusa All Living is Precarious Living Boats in Low Tide (Sunrise / Sunset) Storytelling Clouds Storytelling Clouds II Reeds in a dry evening Miniature Paintings Exploration of the Feminine Collages with verses from ‘Revolutionary Letters’ by Diane Di Prima (1968) Gathering of the Ancestors Healing Water Hortus Conclusus Hide and Seek Dry Land Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled We are All in this Together Need for Help Dispersed Light CLOSE UPS Collage Drawings Drawings with Collage Flowing Landscape Collages & Studies on Figures Sumo or the First Step Small Drawings Study of Head in Wax Twin Heads Heads Studies of Heads Studies on Space Round Voyage drawings Untitled Studies on Space Beanboats – Borders Entering a Voyage B Entering a Voyage A Studies on Space Studies on Landscape Studies on Space Sculpture Studies Study on Space and Borders Apples Passage Three Standing Women Monotypes series Undulating Breathing Space (At Ease) Composed Disillusioned The Gossip The Red Sash After War and Peace Intensive Activity The Graces